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Vared is not only the most beautiful young man in Omela. He is also its finest tenor and most promising songmaker. Forced by his wealthy adoptive father into a yearlong contract to entertain the queen and her palace guests, he looks forward to setting out on his own. The contract is nearing its end and Vared will soon be free from the whims of the rich.

But the highborn have other ideas. He will now be sent to Feigh, a strange kingdom an ocean away, to serve as a cultural emissary. Vared is to join the household of the Feighan prince, Tel, for an additional year.

At first, it seems older, charming, handsome Tel might inspire Vared to scuttle his plans to run away from it all. But the songmaker quickly judges the prince to be just as bad as the rest of the elite.

“Songmaker” offers Vared’s perspective on the opening days of the gay fantasy novel, The Stagsblood Prince. The beginning of his personal adventure also marks the start of an epic tale of love, magic, war, faith, loss, myth, and redemption.